Archive for November, 2020


2020-11-09 23:54

Manche Dinge ziehen sich unendlich lang und andere Dinge passieren von einem Moment auf den anderen. Covid-Test positiv und plötzlich sehen die Verhaltensregeln in der Familie anders aus. Latente Regeln, die man weit entfernt eher verdrängt hat, weil im trauten Heim alles in Ordnung ist, treten plötzlich in den Vordergrund. Man führt Contact-tracing light durch, gibt den Kontakten der letzten Tage Bescheid und dann heißts abwarten und Tee trinken.

Links – Rechts – Geradeaus

2020-11-08 23:18

Es muss ja nicht immer die self-fulfilling prophecy oder wie man bei uns sagt die “olte Urschl” sein, aber je nach der Filterblase in der ich gerade lese, sehe ich, dass die aktuellen Maßnahmen zur Vorbeugung und Bewältigung des epidemiologischen Notstandes auf wenig Zustimmung treffen, denn den einen sind die Maßnahmen zu lasch, den anderen zu hart. Die Wirtschaftsverbände machen Lobbyarbeit zur Abschwächung, Experten warnen. Sind die Maßnahmen deshalb genau richtig? Wohl kaum, es geht schließlich nicht darum Verhandlungen zu führen und Kompromisse zu schließen, sondern es geht darum effektive Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung UND der Wirtschaft zu finden. Und neben der Verordnung, die einen Grundkonsens regelt, muss vor allem jeder Einzelne für sich und sein Umfeld die geeigneten Veränderungen im Leben treffen, dass sich ein gutes Auskommen mit dem neuen Normal einstellt.


2020-11-07 12:35

In continuation of yesterdays post Public decisions, a small further thought: One party, two parties, more parties? Political systems emerge around parties of common interests. We are used to a multiparty system with more or less stable parties organized around a certain value-system. Parties give structure and continuity independently of the leading figures, but they tend as well to decouple the voter from the executed power. More parties seem to mean more democracy, but on the bottom line it depends more on the structures behind the curtain, because even with the flaws of the bipartisan system and the concentration of the power to one winner in a seemingly unfair manner, the system has means of correction and the underlying votes of the people count.

Public decisions


The theory of democracy is the separation of powers: Executive, Legislative and Juridical. Coarse definition, room for variation in the detail. A worldwide established mechanism to organize a democratic system are elections, which legitimate some people to work in one of the separated fields for a certain time with a certain scope.

How the elections are organized and under which circumstances the appointment follows varies by entity, but a common ground is that the parties which are participating are following the systematic rules and accepting the outcome of the elections. In our European context we don’t understand how the popular vote can be bend that far that a candidate with more votes can be losing the election, but taking into consideration the skewness of elections in other countries, the representative democracy is showing some weaknesses everywhere. Who is eligible to vote, who is voting, who is votable? At the end the whole legal framework can be adapted to meet the needs of the people.

Important is only that everyone can participate in some form in the decision making process.

Start and practice

2020-11-06 00:50

Environments are changing continuously, sometimes steadily, sometimes disruptively, with smaller leaps and bigger leaps. My personal environment is transitioning in a new normal mode: Change all around with great opportunities to study and tinker around. Some people are forced to change with all the consequences to mental strain, I still enjoy it. But through all the input that is coming along, I see the shortlivedness of such thoughts and with beginning to write I want to overcome the fading away of this inputs.

So first things first: Podcasts are currently my main source of inspiration and two episodes of Chase Jarvis podcast gave the kicker to begin: 252-The art of done and 255-Seth Godin. Seth Godins Akimbo-Podcast is furthermore a weekly fixed point to better understand the mechanics of our society.

Given above introduction this post is a first step to sort out the thoughts turning around in my head.